Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Your sky,your sea...

And for being this , you judge me !
I get judged for over-loving the people i believe deserve it ,, my friends,family or my other..
If you're consumed by a bitter past experience do not bother telling me , I'll try my best not to lend an ear because i can not get paranoid over something i can't even control , thus ruin it ! and because i had experiences probably far worse than yours and still i do not freak people out with endless, tasteless destructive so-called advices

in Foofster's dictionary , the term overestimating does not exist , yes you might think it's wrong, and even i might sometimes! but it will be just a thought that's fading away in no's something can't control.


siegex said...

Foofster!! I liked that :)

Wafa' said...

Thank you sweet siegex <3 !