Sunday, December 28, 2008



اللهم إليك نشكو ضعف قوتنا وقلة حيلتنا وهواننا على الناس يا أرحم الراحمين أنت رب المستضعفين وأنت ربنا إلى من تكلنا إلى بعيد يتجهمنا أو إلى عدو ملكته أمرنا إن لم يكن بك علينا غضب فلا نبالي ولكن عافيتك هي أوسع لنا نعوذ بنور وجهك الذي أشرقت له الظلمات وصلح عليه أمر الدنيا والآخرة من أن ينزل بنا غضبك أو يحل علنا سخطك لك العتبى حتى ترضى ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بك

Friday, December 26, 2008

Raindrops are falling on my head

Raindrops are falling on my head

Rumor has it .. yeah and the sky obviously says that it won't be raining for a couple of days and this sucky weather will continue ..lots of sunshine and freezing cold , and people still complain about rainy days and how they bring them down !

Yeh ! despite how much i love the carpenters i still don't like and don't relate to "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down" , i actually wait for rainy days the entire year , every step i take in those days is carved upon my memory , every time i want to memorize something beautiful it's usually followed by "..when it rained.."

The focus in this picture was supposed to be on the fallen leaf , ended up cropping it and leaving the water circles caused by raindrops , such magical things , makes you want to wash away everything in your site to enjoy nothing but them .. <3

Saturday, December 20, 2008

All i need is a bitter song

All i need is a bitter song

"We" as human beings , for no specific reason , tend to search for the things that cause us the greater damage , out of all the candy the ones that are the fastest to give us rotten teeth are always the best , knowing that we'll pay sooner or later by taking the bitter medicine or painful needles .. That could possibly be the main reason behind most of our actions , to learn a lesson .. yet somehow after all this and that we hardly ever do ! either we get it wrong , or get it ... but by learning the wrong lesson . and that is the essence of life : when it doesn't make any sense !

just like every single word in this entry

I miss being all creepy and alone with a good friend to talk to , and not a million i can't even hear..

Thursday, July 24, 2008

iLike : Fair to Midland

iLike : Fair to Midland

Fair To Midland

This band is ( in all means ) a winning combination of all what could impress me in music , when i first heard my favorite song by them " tall tales taste like sour grapes" i realized that i finally found my band ! they're literally amazing ! a mixture of powerful addictive instrumental performance , meaningful strong lyrics and astounding vocals ! Suitable for all tastes :D the music has a metallic feel to it and the vocals are sort of folksy ( in my opinion) .

And here's my favorite song , Enjoy !

Too much patience,

No resistance,

Within shouting distance,

You can hear a blind man's bluff,

Dragging names through the mud and still bitting his tongue,

The devil's in the air and I'm spitting out prayers,

While the ravenous all eat their fill,

Tell me, tell me a story,

Tell me not to worry, or pick up the phone,

So turning, turning a deaf ear,

So that I don't hear them throwing stone,

Too much hogwart,

Not enough hearsay,

Always made the front page,

You could use a fine tooth comb to get a word from the wise,

Would be a welcome surprise,

Keep an ear to the ground so to drown out the sound of the failures that make me whole,

Tell me, tell me a story,

Tell me not to worry, or pick up the phone,

So turning, turning a deaf ear,

So that I don't hear them throwing stone,

These walls don't talk,

Even when somebody knocks,

These walls don't stand,

For anyone else but themselves,

These walls don't fall,

Even when gravity's failing us all,

Tell me, tell me a story,

Tell me not to worry, or pick up the phone,

So turning, turning a deaf ear,

So that I don't hear them throwing stone

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Foof's way to High Key

Foof's way to High Key

If you search for the high key effect in well known Ps tutorials websites you'll probably get a tutorials that shows how to turn a photo to a selective black and white something , anyhow this tutorials is different from the usuals ( i suppose ) as i have figured out the technique on my own , i assume it's high key because it's the closest to it :D

Note : this tutorial works best for images taken indoors with a good amount of natural lightning , could work for anything else though , but best on the mentioned previously

Now let's get down to business *_*

First of all we open our image, i got this picture from stock exchange , here's a quick tip , NEVER get a picture from deviant art or anything displayed on forums as صور التصميم which are taken from DA as well ! because all of those images are edited already and that will will guarantee that they won't sue your butt ^_^

and here's the original image

Now the orignal background layer will have a lock icon on it , click it twice and then click ok as the window appears . sorry i forgot to explain that in a snapshot !

Now your layer is ready , duplicate it by right clicking it > duplicate layer

Next, hide the copy you made as we're only working on it to make the last touches , the hiding is very simple , done by clicking the eye icon on the left , the icon indicates the layers invisibility , make sure the eye is gone :)

Now back to the original layer , click the adjustment layer icon in the bottom of the layers palette , and choose a Gradient adjustment layer *

from the gradients collection choose black and white , then change the blending mode to Color

You will get a black and white picture ^^ now next step is to get the high key effect , a new adjustment layer , Brightness and Contrast

Set the
brightness to 60
Contrast to 80

For the last touch , we're going to make the invisible copy of the original layer visible again , simply by clicking the eye visibility icon , and set the layer's blending mode to Soft Light

We're done ^^
here's the result and the original image

* I have used a gradient layer assuming that many may not have CS3 , but if you do , a black and white layer is easier to use and without changing it's blending mode , this is only for Cs3 users

NoteS : you may use a solid color adjustment layer and set it's blending mode to Color isntead of a copy of the original layer , i have tried this with sepia , not bad !

another thing , you can leave it as a black and white photo once you've set the brightness and contrast , will be good as well

Any further questions i'm here , and excuse me if i'm bad at this =(

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Vanishing Symphony

A Vanishing Symphony

And now , here i am mourning all the melodies that i have locked to death , taking all my strings away , where no one listens but silence .. i want to steal my soul from you to the dimness of nowhere ... your sunshine has blinded my heart

No more counting all your lies , No more waiting for your goodbyes

A Vanishing Symphony by ~SoDoXa on deviantART

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Well , in this case ..

Well , in this case ..

الذين ينكرون الحب يصبحون أكثر الناس جنونا حال وقوعهم - المحتّم - فيه


The World Of Fragile Things

The World Of Fragile Things

Oh God how i miss the winter ! as strange as it may sound every time i feel a summery breeze i miss it even more , i remember a teacher of mine who was once asked why she prefers winter among all other seasons her answer was " there's nothing not love!" and that is absolutely correct , everything about it is just amazing so cozy and beautiful , romantic and warm even if it's the coldest of seasons , plus I'm a coats person lol , i want to lose my self in the fog again and kiss sunshine goodbye , it it heals as it kills !

So as i'm craving the chill :D My newest manipulation . not much but i feel like using massive textures again not clean and smudged as always :P natural and better

Please Click Here

The original Image

My Snow White Queen

Snow White Queen by ~SoDoXa on deviantART

If you want to know how this is done (which isn't so amazing) just ask , i don't feel like blabbing for no reason *_* , yet i have discussed this with Naser and we both agreed it might be useful :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

The -keep it down- tag

The -keep it down- tag

Tagged by Naser , and in this tag i should post six new secrets about myself , but as i have told naser preciously i have no big secrets to hide , so i guess nothing will seem so interesting :D

1- I sleep with my knees up ! i don't know if this is clear enough or i should elaborate more !

2- Usually as many of my friends know , my favorite music genre is easy listening and i prefer slow songs , somehow after midnight i tend to listen to very loud Mejwez songs , believe it or not !

3- I am very straight :D but female beauty inspires and attracts me more , i suppose i like everything that is tender , or maybe because i am a female , portraits or paintings of or even songs by women astound me as they reflect something within me

4 - I am extremely thin yet people whom i know over the internet always assume that i am VERY chubby , and i'm still trying to figure out the reason that makes them think so

5- I enjoy eating unhealthy food :(

6- I never cry for anyone or anything but my own sadness and depression , i know it is very selfish but i can't help it

so that's it naser :D i guess i'll tag Jood and Muafaq now

Thank you Naser !



Yes I am ! i have left this place for a while due to my tawjihi exams (which by the would be appreciated if not mentioned =D ) then after i was done i neglected this place and to stay on my DA page around the clock which wasn't right sorry bloggy =( ! yet i think the main reason for my return is naser as he brought up the tagging thing , ah remember those days when wedad's blog was still visible to everyone ? LOL .

Many beautiful news from around the sphere as well this in specific is incredible ! congratulations dear Diana to you and your husband , yetrabba b3ezkom ya rab.

So all this blabbing to tell you that i'm back and i suppose i'll be blogging more often m though i doubt anyone will read i have been dead lately and i do not blame anyone for not entering this space , lotsa a dust here i know .

Where's that red carpet ? :P

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ham beda7ek ...

Ham beda7ek ...

قصة خيالية أردنية

كان يا ما كان في قديم الزمان و في سالف العصر و الاوان

بلد صغيرة جميلة يعيش فيها عائلة صغيرة مكونة من اب و ام وولد فقط

يصحى ابو عقلة من النوم نشيطا مبتسما

و ينظر الى ام عقلة بحب ووله

ابو عقلة: يسعدلي هالصباح شو هالحلاوة هاي اي انا الي تلاتين سنة بتصبح بهالقمر

ام عقلة: يي يا ابو عقلة انا اللي بتصبح ب احلى قمر احضرلك الفطور؟

ابو عقلة: اه بس اطفي التدفئة شوبت كتير و الله هدول بالارصاد دقيقين بطريقة مش معقولة

يعني اللي بيقولوه بيطلع صح

ام عقلة: شايف شو الطقس حلو برة؟ التلج داب من مبارح

و الجرافات رفعتة من الطريق و كل شي برة نضيف..

خليني اصحي عقلة يلحق يتحمم و يفطر و يروح على دوامه و بحضر الفطور

ابو عقلة :ما تنسي العسل و القشطة يا قشطة

ام عقلة تذهب لايقاظ عقلة ,تدخل غرفة عقلة المرتبة النظيفة جدا و تراه نائما كالملاك

ام عقلة: عقلة اصحى يما الساعة ستة

عقلة يصحى بسرعة شديدة و يقفز من سريره بنشاط

عقلة: يسعد صباحك يما..يا باي يما شو بحب يوم الاحد بعد العطلة

هيك ارجع ع دوامي ..انا يما بحب شغلي كتير

ام عقلة: بس يما زي ما بوصيك دايما انت شرطي سير الناس امانة برقبتك

عقلة: و لو يما..انا اصلا كل مواطن اخ و كل مواطنة اخت بديش وصاة

يفطر ابو عقلة و ام عقلة و عقلة في جو من الالفة العائلية الجميلة

و يقبّل ابو عقلة ام عقلة بعد ان يضع في يدها خمسين دينار مصروف اليوم

يذهب عقلة الى عمله مبتسما و يقف في مكانه على دوار عبدون

تمر سيارة مسرعة و يوقفها و يذهب للسائق مبتسما

عقلة: صباح الخير يا اخي ..كيف حالك؟ بس يا ريت تخفف السرعة شوي عالدوار

و بلاش التشحيط و كمان لو تحط الموبايل من ايدك لانه خطر على سلامتك و سلامة غيرك اتمنى لك نهار سعيد

المواطن مبتسما: شكرا سيدي الله يعطيك العافية

و يقود سيارته بتمهل و حذر

يتحدث عقلة لنفسه: ما شاء الله ما احلى سيارته الله يزيد و يبارك

ابو عقله في دوامة باحدى الدوائر الحكومية ينهمك في عمله

ولا يلتفت يمينا او يسارا

ولا يحادث زملائه

ولا يشرب الشاي

او يحل الكلمات المتقاطعة

و يبدا المواطنون بالتوافد على الدائرة التي تتسم بالنظافة الشديدة

و التي يوجد بها كراسي نظيفة جدا مرتبة غير مكسورة او مطبشة او مكتوب عليها

و يقفون بترتيب في طابور منظم بدون تأفف مع احترام النظام و اعطاء الاوليةلغيرهم

يقترب اول مواطن من ابو عقلة مبتسما

المواطن: صباح الخير

ابو عقلة: صباح النور شو طلباتك نحنا هون في خدمتك لراحتك و مساعدتك

المواطن: بس بدي توقعلي هالورقة

ابو عقلة: بكل سرور بس بدها توقعين تانين بعد هيك و بتكون جاهزة

يشكر المواطن ابو عقلة و يوقع التوقعين و تنتهي معاملتة خلال نصف ساعة و يغادر الدائرة

يخرج للشارع و يوقف تاكسي

و يجلس قرب السائق النظيف الذي تخلو سيارته من اية زينة او علبة كلينكس معلقة بالسقف

و التي يمنع فيها التدخين

و يقود السائق سيارته بكل لياقة و ادب و اخلاق

دون ان يتجاوز او ييتوقف على المنعطفات بدون انذار

و دون ان يشتم او يسب او يتافف من الحكومة او الغلاء او المخالفات الغير موجودة اصلا

و دون ان يفرض ارائه السياسية و نظرياته على الراكب

و دون ان يبصق من النافذة

و تنتهي الرحلة و يدفع الراكب النقود بدون نقاش

و يعيد له السائق الباقي بكل سرور لوجود الكثير من الفكة بحوزته

و يتابع السائق طريقه مبتسما هادئا

يستمع لصوت الوكيل الشجي على الراديو الذي قرر ان يستقيل لان البلد خالية من المشاكل

يتوقف على اشارة المرور ولا يقترب منه اي شحاد او بائع زهور او العاب لا معنى لها و لا يزمر للذي امامه او يقرفه

و يشكر الله على نعمته و يحمده على خيراته

و توتة توتة خلصت الحدوتة

وكل واحد يرجع عاشغله بلا مسخرة !!!

got this by email , it's usually all about the Kashara , notice that now imperfections are uncountable ! :\

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

If only ..

If only ..

There was a season with summer's pleasure and fun , and some of it's warmth
winter's sweetness and chill , spring's colors and Autumn's romance

If only i could stop dreaming for once lol

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

High Hopes

High Hopes

I hate it when DA's down :( what i hate even more is that it's only down when i want to upload something or look for something i urgently need :\

so i guess i have to post it here since el ma7roos msh nawy ysharref :D, i don't want to forget crediting

1 2 3 4 5

Edit : it worked , then i'm just sharing this lol !

Monday, May 5, 2008

I beg to DIFFER !

I beg to DIFFER !

Why do people always look for their clones when it comes to love ? and why does it seem so strange if you tell anyone that you look for someone who's nearly your opposite in many things?

Searching for the significant other , must we really look for someone with our exact same interests and taste ? things that are skin deep and we forget what goes deep to the bones , understanding , respect and mutual admiration ..?

I might be wrong , but i believe that a relation is more interesting when people differ , if you share the same things with another person you'll be please at first , but in a while it'll get very boring , and it could be the things you share and not deep feelings , but when you bond with a person with a different lifestyle you learn from them , everyday you find something new about them that makes you love them even more , i have friends with no slight resemblance between us , yet if you ever listen to any conversation we have, we always manage to finish each others sentences , if i did something , they were already planning to do it !

It's not always about being identical twins :D it's all about understanding , and after all ,humans communicate to exchange ideas , not to look at reflections of their own

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ending ... unplanned !

Ending ... unplanned !

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

I've come to believe that the happiest of endings are the ones unplanned , the best of moments are the unexpected and sweetest of things are the ones we gave up on chasing !

Maybe as we plan and worry about something we become paranoid , that any little thing would make us so anxious and so we might fail to get what we want ..

Although this may not work in all cases , but mostly it does !

From now on i'll let my feet walk me to the unknown , i have a good feeling about it ..